

Parkway SleepHealth Centers



Sleep is essential for our overall well-being, yet many of us struggle with sleep-related issues at some point in our lives. Whether it’s difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing poor sleep quality, these problems can have a significant impact on our health and daily functioning. In some cases, these issues may be indicative of underlying sleep disorders that require professional attention. This is where sleep studies come into play. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the main reasons why someone might need a sleep study and how it can help improve sleep and overall health.

  1. Suspected Sleep Disorders: One of the primary reasons for undergoing a sleep study is to diagnose or rule out sleep disorders. These disorders can range from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, to insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnias such as sleepwalking or night terrors. Sleep studies, also known as polysomnography (PSG), help healthcare providers monitor various physiological parameters during sleep, such as brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate, and muscle activity, to identify patterns indicative of specific sleep disorders.
  2. Chronic Fatigue or Daytime Sleepiness: Persistent fatigue or excessive daytime sleepiness can significantly impair daily functioning and quality of life. While these symptoms can be caused by various factors, including poor sleep hygiene, stress, or lifestyle habits, they can also be a sign of an underlying sleep disorder. A sleep study can help determine if conditions like sleep apnea or periodic limb movement disorder are contributing to these symptoms, guiding appropriate treatment strategies to alleviate daytime sleepiness and improve overall well-being.
  3. Snoring and Breathing Irregularities: While occasional snoring is common and often benign, habitual loud snoring accompanied by pauses in breathing could indicate a more serious condition like obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep studies can assess breathing patterns during sleep and identify any abnormalities that may be disrupting airflow and causing interruptions in breathing. Addressing these issues is crucial not only for better sleep but also for reducing the risk of associated health problems such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
  4. Evaluation of Treatment Efficacy: For individuals already diagnosed with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, or insomnia, sleep studies may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment interventions. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnea, medications for insomnia or restless leg syndrome, or lifestyle modifications may all be implemented to manage sleep-related issues. Periodic follow-up sleep studies can help assess treatment compliance and effectiveness, guiding adjustments as needed to optimize outcomes.
  5. Assessment of Sleep Quality and Architecture: Sleep studies not only diagnose specific sleep disorders but also provide valuable insights into overall sleep quality and architecture. By monitoring different sleep stages (such as REM and non-REM sleep), sleep latency, and sleep efficiency, healthcare providers can assess the overall health of an individual’s sleep and identify any abnormalities or disruptions that may be impacting restorative sleep processes.

Sleep studies play a crucial role in diagnosing sleep disorders, evaluating treatment efficacy, and improving overall sleep quality and health. Whether you’re struggling with chronic fatigue, daytime sleepiness, snoring, or suspected sleep disorders, undergoing a sleep study can provide valuable information and guidance for effective management and treatment. If you’re experiencing persistent sleep-related issues, don’t hesitate to discuss the possibility of a sleep study with your healthcare providerβ€”it could be the first step toward achieving better sleep and a healthier life.

Parkway Sleep Health Centers

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. Evaluating the root of the problem will help determine the best treatment for sleep apnea. Whatever PAP device you need, we have the perfect CPAP equipment for sale on our CPAP shop. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 to schedule an appointment. Soon you’ll get a restful night’s sleep and wake up with energy.


Sleep apnea is an unfortunate and potentially serious ailment that causes one’s breath to be unsteady while asleep. Sleep apnea prevents a person from getting restful, refreshing, restorative sleep due to constant breathing disruptions throughout the night. This article discusses sleep apnea, how it affects the body, and how using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea can help.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

There are two different kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain does not send the correct signals to maintain breathing while sleeping. Breathing stops. When this happens, the body alerts the brain to wake up. Once awake, the brain kicks in and picks up the regular breathing pattern, but this action causes an interruption in the sleep cycle. When this happens multiple times throughout the night, it can be difficult to fall into the deep restorative sleep that the body needs.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when something obstructs the airway during sleep. Blockage can result from obesity, large tonsils, or hormone fluctuations. Once again, breathing stops. This time when awakened, changing body position shifts the obstruction, and breathing is restored.

One thing that both sleep apnea conditions have in common is the pauses in breathing. The health effects of this condition are different for everyone.

The Effects of Sleep Apnea

Aside from leaving a person tired from a lack of sleep, this condition can cause many other issues, especially if untreated. The lack of deep sleep makes it difficult to find the energy to carry out everyday tasks, including driving, grocery shopping, or walking the dog. Along with fatigue comes brain fog and confusion, which can increase as the mind and body tire.

Another side effect of sleeplessness is depression. Depression often manifests in a lack of desire to be fun or intimate. This condition can worsen the more prolonged sleep apnea goes untreated.

Lack of reparative sleep also weakens the immune system, causing problems with blood pressure, cholesterol, or even heart disease. Fatty liver disease and heightened liver enzymes are also side effects of sleep apnea when left untreated.

The lack of oxygen the body takes in while resting can result in low blood oxygen levels, which can cause dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, and even chest pains. In addition, sleep apnea can increase the severity of preexisting respiratory problems like asthma.

Parkway Sleep Centers

If you have trouble getting a restful sleep, contact Parkway Sleep Center. After a thorough examination and testing, we can develop a treatment plan, including using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 and get on the path to having a good night’s sleep.


It is estimated that between 10% and 30% of adults in the US have obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. One of the most common ways of treating sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. If you need CPAP therapy, it is helpful to know how a CPAP machine works, how it can help a person with sleep-related breathing problems, and how to troubleshoot some issues that may occur when using a CPAP machine.

What is a CPAP Machine?

A CPAP machine is a medical device that uses a stream of pressurized air to keep a patient’s airways open, encouraging stable breathing while asleep. The air pressurized in the CPAP machine is pumped through a hose into a mask worn on the face.

Components of a CPAP Machine

There are many different brands and models, but all CPAP devices have these standard components.

  • Machine – it includes the motor that generates streams of pressurized air and controls for operating the device.
  • Hose – it’s a long tube connected to the CPAP machine and carries air to the mask.
  • Mask – it delivers pressurized air into the nose and mouth in a way that holds the airway open. There are different CPAP mask styles. All masks include straps to keep them in place.
  • Air Filter – it filters the air from the CPAP machine.
  • Humidifier – most CPAP devices have a heated humidifier using water from an attached reservoir to add moisture to the airflow. The humidifier reduces discomfort from dryness in the nose caused by the pressurized air.

Types of CPAP Masks

Before using CPAP therapy, a sleep specialist or doctor will help you select a mask. The different types include:

  • Nasal mask – only covers the nose.
  • Oronasal mask – goes over the mouth and nose, covering an area from the bridge of the nose to the bottom of the mouth.
  • Nasal pillows – instead of going over the nose, this mask sits under the nose and above the upper lip. Some types have prongs fitting into each nostril.
  • Oral mask – covers the mouth only.
  • Full-Face mask – covers most of the face. This type is rarely used.

Mask Fit

A CPAP mask has to fit correctly against the face to ensure no air leaks. In addition, the mask must be comfortable enough to be used night after night. Different straps and cushions are available to help keep the mask in place, making it comfortable to wear. The best CPAP mask offers a combination of comfort and performance.

Benefits of CPAP Machines

Regular use of CPAP therapy may resolve or reduce obstructive sleep apnea symptoms, improving sleep and a patient’s quality of life. Some of the benefits that might come from the use of CPAP include:

  • Reduced snoring
  • Consistent breathing during sleep
  • Reduced daytime sleepiness
  • Improved thinking and focus
  • Healthier blood pressure
  • Improved quality of sleep for a bed partner
  • Few mornings headaches
  • Enhanced mood

Side Effects of CPAP Machines

For most people, it is challenging to get accustomed to sleeping with a CPAP machine. It takes weeks or days to get used to the machine through the night. Some side effects of using CPAP machines include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Discomfort from the mask and stream of pressurized air
  • Nasal congestion
  • Eye and skin irritation
  • Anxiety or claustrophobia when wearing the mask
  • Chest muscle discomfort

In most cases, adjustments to CPAP settings might resolve these side effects making nightly CPAP use even more comfortable.

Tips for Using CPAP Machines

Here are tips to help make the adjustment process smoother when using a CPAP machine.

  • Research – seek quality information to resolve the most common questions about using a CPAP machine.
  • Work with a specialist – keep in touch with the healthcare team when you start using the CPAP machine to help resolve any challenges. For example, a specialist might suggest modifying the mask or trying a different one.
  • Patience – the CPAP mask or airflow might initially make sleeping hard or uncomfortable. It is usual for it to take time to adjust using the machine. Despite the difficulties, using the CPAP machine for an entire night might speed up the acclimation process.

CPAP Cleaning and Maintenance

CPAP devices come with specific instructions for maintenance and cleaning. It is vital to follow these directions and any guidance a specialist gives. For example, some parts of the machine, such as the mask, might need cleaning daily, while others require thorough cleaning and disinfection weekly.

Watch for wear and tear of the CPAP components and replace them when necessary. Masks, hoses, and straps should be periodically replaced based on the instructions from the manufacturer. If the material on these items becomes noticeably dirty or damaged, they should be discarded.

Parkway Sleep Health Center

Do you struggle with a sleep disorder? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. After a thorough evaluation, our team can recommend a treatment plan, including a CPAP machine, if necessary. So, if you need a CPAP machine in Cary NC, we’re ready to help. Contact us at 919-439-3463 and schedule an appointment today.


Sleeping apnea is a severe medical condition characterized by intermittent, irregular breathing, which involves the cessation and continuation of breathing during sleep. It is common in people who snore loudly during sleep and requires medical intervention. However, it can be managed effectively using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. These machines use various masks designed to customize the user’s comfort level. The article discusses the four best CPAP masks for women to help manage sleep apnea.

ResMed Airfit P30i Nasal Pillow

This mask’s QuietAir vent technology offers a quiet dispersion of exhaled hair for a good night’s sleep for light sleepers. The top-of-head tube design allows for sleeping in any position and movement during the night. This mask is ideal for nose breathers since it doesn’t cover the mouth. In addition, this mask has an open field of vision that allows for watching television or reading books unobstructed. In addition, this feature is beneficial for patients with claustrophobia.

ResMed P10 CPAP Mask

This CPAP mask has less obstructive properties compared to many other CPAP masks. It also comes in various sizes that fit different sizes of women. Its cushion is kept in place during use and thus does not cause irritation. The minimalist design (nose cover only) is suitable for those with claustrophobia, glasses, or sensitive skin.

ResMed Airfit N20

For a comfortable sleeping experience, this is the facemask to use. The silicone cushions used in this mask are pliable and can adapt to different face shapes and sizes. The flexible tubing allows active sleepers to move without hindrance throughout the night. This mask uses a minimum of facial contact points, avoiding creating marks on the face. The headgear for this mask is lightweight and soft, allowing for increased sleeping comfort.

ResMed Airfit F20

The ResMed F20 is a compact full-face mask. Full-face masks are recommended for mouth breathers or those with allergies or frequent stuffy noses. This mask can fit various facial shapes and sizes by selecting the proper size of the interchangeable cushion. In addition, the silicone cushion maintains an adequate seal even when using high therapy pressures.

Which to Choose?

In summary, ResMed is known to produce all kinds of quality CPAP masks, and thus it should not be a surprise they dominate the list of best masks for women. Most types of masks are not designed specifically for women. These masks are designed with women in mind and will provide the best user experience. If you are new to using a CPAP machine, work with a technician to find the best style/type for your situation. Changing machines is always an option if you continue to have sleep problems.

Parkway Sleep Health Centers

Do you have trouble sleeping or getting a good night’s sleep? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. After a thorough evaluation, a treatment plan is developed, which can include a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 and schedule an appointment.


Sleep apnea is a severe condition, and treatment is developed specifically for your needs. Some methods are more involved than others. Using the treatment for sleep apnea that provides the best results is essential to one’s health. This article will discuss some of the treatment options out there and when they are used.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Machines

One standard sleep apnea treatment is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP machines allow many suffering from apnea to achieve the sleep typically denied. It is not the only method; however, Automatic Positive Airway Pressure, or APAP, is another potential treatment for sleep apnea. Knowing the best option will help ensure proper treatment and comfort when using such a machine.

The Difference Between CPAP vs. APAP

The main difference between the two machines is that CPAP maintains a fixed pressure level while APAP adjusts to different levels. In addition, CPAP machines provide continuous airflow, while APAP does not. We sell masks, tubes, filters, and more for both CPAP and APAP on our CPAP store.

The Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to both machines. CPAPs tend to be cheaper and are regarded as the most effective treatment for sleep apnea in most cases. In addition, most users prefer consistent airflow. On the downside, CPAPs are more challenging to adjust when changing breathing patterns exist, but constant airflow can make exhaling tricky.

APAPs are easier to adapt to in most cases, are much friendlier for sufferers of nasal congestion due to allergies, and are an excellent choice for people who move around a lot in their sleep. As for cons, they are more expensive than CPAP machines and are not recommended for people with pulmonary conditions. In addition, air pressure changes have been known to wake users from time to time.

Both machines have their advantages and disadvantages. CPAPs are more commonly available, affordable, and proven as an effective treatment for sleep apnea in most cases. They are not easy to adjust, though, and can take some getting used to at night. On the other hand, APAPs are usually more expensive, but they are more adjustable and offer better mobility at night. They are also easier to get used to, but the pressure changes might annoy some users.

In either case, a careful and thorough discussion with a medical expert will help ensure the best possible treatment for sleep apnea on a case-by-case basis and the best way to obtain a good night’s sleep once again.

Parkway Sleep Health Center

Are you getting a good night’s sleep? Are you waking up tired and lethargic? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. Our professionals work with the client to develop a treatment for sleep apnea that works for the client and obtains the best results. Be sure to visit our CPAP shop for all your CPAP and APAP equipment needs. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 to schedule an appointment.


Sleep can be a trickier prospect than some people realize. One has to fall asleep, stay asleep, and then wake rested and energized for the new day. At any point in this process, problems can occur. Those problems easily result in improper or lack of sleep. These issues are genuine for those with medical conditions like sleep apnea. Apnea can make it extremely difficult to obtain a good night’s sleep, but what causes it in the first place? It depends on the kinds of apnea at work. This article will discuss the causes and the best treatment for sleep apnea.

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are two common forms of sleep apnea, obstructive and central. Knowing the best treatment will depend on what form it takes.

Obstructive Apnea

Obstructive apnea is a result of brief, interrupted breathing. The muscles in the back of the throat become too relaxed, blocking the airway, and as a result, breathing is stopped. The body then wakes up to prevent asphyxiation –recent research has led some to believe a similar issue causes sudden infant death syndrome. This constant repetition of falling asleep and waking up prevents proper rest.

Central Apnea

Central apnea is neurological in nature and involves the brain not communicating correctly to airway muscles, preventing proper breathing while asleep. This form of apnea is common among stroke survivors. It is also found in persons with heart disease, kidney failure, or using certain opioids.

Other Causes

Apnea can also have other causes and can create all manner of issues, such as high blood pressure. Obesity, smoking, and chronic nasal congestion are potential causes of sleep apnea.


Knowing the warning signs provides an excellent start to finding the best treatment for sleep apnea. For example, loud snoring, insomnia, waking up with a dry mouth, and waking up snorting or gasping for breath are common signs of sleep apnea.

Regardless of the form sleep apnea takes, it is a severe condition that requires treatment. Talking to an expert and testing can confirm the type of apnea one is suffering, and then the proper treatment can be implemented.

It can be hard enough to ensure a good night’s sleep. Having to deal with constant interruptions from apnea makes it nearly impossible to enjoy restful sleep and can create further health issues. Don’t ignore the signs. Determine the cause, and seek the best treatment for sleep apnea depending on the cause and kind suffered. That is the best plan to ensure apnea concerns are put to rest.

Parkway Sleep Health Centers

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. Evaluating the root of the problem will help determine the best treatment for sleep apnea. Whatever PAP device you need, we have the perfect CPAP equipment for sale on our CPAP shop. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 to schedule an appointment. Soon you’ll get a restful night’s sleep and wake up with energy.

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Parkway SleepHealth Centers exists to help people build healthier lives by providing compassionate, exceptional care for their sleep health needs.

Serving Cary, plus cities and towns from the surrounding area, including: Raleigh NC, Apex NC, Durham NC, Holly Springs NC, Garner NC, Morrisville NC, Chapel Hill NC, Hillsborough NC, Carrboro NC, Pittsboro NC, Clayton NC, Fuquay Varina NC, Wake Forest NC, Greensboro NC, Charlotte NC

Parkway Sleep Health Centers, Sleep Center, Cary, NC

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