

Parkway SleepHealth Centers



Sleep is essential for our overall well-being, yet many of us struggle with sleep-related issues at some point in our lives. Whether it’s difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing poor sleep quality, these problems can have a significant impact on our health and daily functioning. In some cases, these issues may be indicative of underlying sleep disorders that require professional attention. This is where sleep studies come into play. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the main reasons why someone might need a sleep study and how it can help improve sleep and overall health.

  1. Suspected Sleep Disorders: One of the primary reasons for undergoing a sleep study is to diagnose or rule out sleep disorders. These disorders can range from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, to insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnias such as sleepwalking or night terrors. Sleep studies, also known as polysomnography (PSG), help healthcare providers monitor various physiological parameters during sleep, such as brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate, and muscle activity, to identify patterns indicative of specific sleep disorders.
  2. Chronic Fatigue or Daytime Sleepiness: Persistent fatigue or excessive daytime sleepiness can significantly impair daily functioning and quality of life. While these symptoms can be caused by various factors, including poor sleep hygiene, stress, or lifestyle habits, they can also be a sign of an underlying sleep disorder. A sleep study can help determine if conditions like sleep apnea or periodic limb movement disorder are contributing to these symptoms, guiding appropriate treatment strategies to alleviate daytime sleepiness and improve overall well-being.
  3. Snoring and Breathing Irregularities: While occasional snoring is common and often benign, habitual loud snoring accompanied by pauses in breathing could indicate a more serious condition like obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep studies can assess breathing patterns during sleep and identify any abnormalities that may be disrupting airflow and causing interruptions in breathing. Addressing these issues is crucial not only for better sleep but also for reducing the risk of associated health problems such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
  4. Evaluation of Treatment Efficacy: For individuals already diagnosed with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, or insomnia, sleep studies may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment interventions. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnea, medications for insomnia or restless leg syndrome, or lifestyle modifications may all be implemented to manage sleep-related issues. Periodic follow-up sleep studies can help assess treatment compliance and effectiveness, guiding adjustments as needed to optimize outcomes.
  5. Assessment of Sleep Quality and Architecture: Sleep studies not only diagnose specific sleep disorders but also provide valuable insights into overall sleep quality and architecture. By monitoring different sleep stages (such as REM and non-REM sleep), sleep latency, and sleep efficiency, healthcare providers can assess the overall health of an individual’s sleep and identify any abnormalities or disruptions that may be impacting restorative sleep processes.

Sleep studies play a crucial role in diagnosing sleep disorders, evaluating treatment efficacy, and improving overall sleep quality and health. Whether you’re struggling with chronic fatigue, daytime sleepiness, snoring, or suspected sleep disorders, undergoing a sleep study can provide valuable information and guidance for effective management and treatment. If you’re experiencing persistent sleep-related issues, don’t hesitate to discuss the possibility of a sleep study with your healthcare provider—it could be the first step toward achieving better sleep and a healthier life.

Parkway Sleep Health Centers

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. Evaluating the root of the problem will help determine the best treatment for sleep apnea. Whatever PAP device you need, we have the perfect CPAP equipment for sale on our CPAP shop. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 to schedule an appointment. Soon you’ll get a restful night’s sleep and wake up with energy.


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is a lifesaver for millions of people suffering from sleep apnea. CPAP machines work by delivering a constant flow of air through a mask, keeping the airway open and ensuring uninterrupted breathing during sleep. However, to ensure the effectiveness and comfort of CPAP therapy, regular replacement of CPAP supplies is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore why replacing CPAP supplies is essential and discuss the different components that require replacement over time.

Why Do I Need to Replace My CPAP Supplies?

Like any other medical equipment, CPAP machines and their associated supplies undergo wear and tear with regular use. Over time, components such as masks, tubing, filters, and humidifier chambers can accumulate dirt, bacteria, and allergens, compromising their functionality and hygiene. Additionally, the materials used in CPAP supplies may degrade over time, leading to discomfort or reduced effectiveness of therapy.

Regularly replacing CPAP supplies helps maintain optimal therapy outcomes and ensures the user’s comfort and safety. Here are some key reasons why CPAP replacement is necessary:

  • 1. Hygiene: CPAP supplies come into direct contact with the user’s airway and respiratory system. Regular replacement helps prevent the buildup of bacteria, mold, and other contaminants, reducing the risk of respiratory infections and allergies.
  • 2. Effectiveness: Worn-out CPAP supplies may not provide an adequate seal or deliver the prescribed air pressure effectively, compromising the therapy’s effectiveness in treating sleep apnea.
  • 3. Comfort: Over time, mask cushions, headgear, and tubing may lose their shape or become less flexible, causing discomfort or air leaks during sleep, which can disrupt therapy and lead to poor sleep quality.
  • 4. Compliance: Regularly replacing CPAP supplies can contribute to better compliance with therapy, as users are more likely to adhere to treatment when their equipment is comfortable, effective, and well-maintained.

Replacing Your CPAP Machine

You should  replace your PAP machine, whether it’s a CPAP, APAP, or BiPAP, every five years. This ensures optimal performance and allows you to access the latest therapy options. PAP technology has evolved significantly in recent years and continues to advance. Upgrading to newer models with enhanced comfort features can greatly improve your treatment adherence. Always be sure to get a new CPAP machine when your insurance allows.

Replacing Your CPAP Mask

CPAP masks, including nasal masks, nasal pillow masks, and full-face masks, should be replaced every three to six months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Over time, mask cushions may lose their shape, leading to air leaks and discomfort. Additionally, straps and headgear may become stretched or worn out, affecting the mask’s stability and seal.

Regularly inspect your mask for signs of wear and tear, and replace it promptly if you notice cracks, tears, or deterioration of materials.

Replacing Your Mask Cushions and Headgear

Mask cushions and headgear should be replaced every three to six months, or sooner if they show signs of wear or if the mask seal becomes ineffective. Properly fitting cushions and headgear are essential for maintaining a secure and comfortable seal throughout the night.

Replacing CPAP Tubing

CPAP tubing should be replaced every three to six months to prevent the accumulation of dust, allergens, and bacteria. Inspect the tubing regularly for any signs of damage, such as cracks, holes, or discoloration, and replace it if necessary.

Replacing Humidifier Water Chambers

Humidifier water chambers should be cleaned daily and replaced every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer. Regular replacement helps prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and bacteria, ensuring optimal humidification of the air delivered by the CPAP machine.

Replacing CPAP Filters

CPAP filters, including disposable and non-disposable filters, should be replaced regularly to maintain air quality and prevent the inhalation of dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Disposable filters should be replaced every one to three months, while non-disposable filters can be cleaned and reused according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cleaning Your CPAP Supplies

In addition to regular replacement, proper cleaning and maintenance of CPAP supplies are essential for ensuring hygiene and prolonging their lifespan. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your CPAP machine, mask, tubing, and humidifier components using mild soap and water or recommended cleaning solutions.

How Parkway Sleep Can Help

At Parkway Sleep, you’ll receive automatic notifications when your insurance company covers new CPAP supplies. Our dedicated CPAP team will reach out to confirm your upcoming shipment, and we’ll deliver it directly to your doorstep hassle-free! Click the link below to call us and schedule your next supply order.

Parkway Sleep Center

Are you experiencing sleep problems? Parkway Sleep Center can help. After a thorough evaluation, we will develop a treatment plan that may include a CPAP machine. Contact us today at 919-462-8081 and schedule an appointment.


Sleep isn’t just a nightly ritual; it’s essential to our overall health and well-being. This guide is designed to unravel the multifaceted world of sleep studies. By exploring their significance, understanding the disorders they diagnose, and the range of treatments they give rise to, readers will thoroughly appreciate their role in modern medicine. The realm of sleep studies offers revelations that can change how we perceive and improve our nightly rest.

Basics of Sleep Studies

Sleep studies stand distinctively apart from other medical evaluations. They are dedicated investigations into the intricate patterns and habits of our sleep. Where general health checkups provide an overview of our well-being, sleep studies delve into the nuanced mysteries of our nocturnal behaviors. Among the various sleep studies available, Polysomnography, conducted in state-of-the-art labs, is often regarded as the gold standard, renowned for its comprehensive insights. In contrast, Home Sleep Tests cater to those seeking a more accessible, albeit somewhat restricted, evaluation. Each type, however, converges on a singular mission: elevating sleep quality and, by extension, our general health.

Preparation for a Sleep Study

The importance of thorough preparation for a sleep study cannot be overstated. The integrity and relevance of the study’s results are deeply intertwined with the groundwork laid before the study. As participants approach the study, they are equipped with extensive guidelines about the procedure, ensuring they are mentally and physically primed. Careful attention to detail, from selecting non-restrictive sleepwear to being judicious about food and medications, ensures that the study’s outcomes are as accurate as possible.

During the Sleep Study

The sleep study experience is meticulously curated to ensure participant comfort. Upon entering the facility, participants are embraced with a structured yet accommodating environment. After a comprehensive briefing detailing the evening’s protocol, they embark on the actual study. The prospect of being attached to electrodes might be daunting for some, but the process is gentle, almost feather-like. These tools are indispensable in the quest to decode sleep patterns. Guided by the adept hands of seasoned sleep technicians, the process becomes an enlightening journey rather than a mere medical evaluation.

Types of Sleep Disorders Diagnosed

The prevalence of sleep disorders in today’s fast-paced world is both alarming and enlightening. Ranging from the often-discussed sleep apnea, which manifests in various nuanced forms, to the common ailment of insomnia, these disorders significantly impact many lives. Some disorders, like the twitch-inducing restless leg syndrome or the sudden sleep bouts of narcolepsy, might not be household names but have distinct, recognizable symptoms. Each of these disorders, once cloaked in mystery, can now be effectively diagnosed and addressed, thanks to the advancements in sleep studies.

Interpreting Results

Once the study concludes, participants are presented with a plethora of data that encapsulates their sleep journey. While the deluge of charts, graphs, and numbers might initially seem daunting, they are, in fact, enlightening windows into one’s sleep psyche. With expert guidance, these intricate diagrams are decoded to unveil patterns, disruptions, and potential areas of concern. The insights derived provide a comprehensive understanding of one’s sleep landscape and act as a beacon, guiding them toward bespoke recommendations and remedies.

Recommending Treatment

With a precise diagnosis in hand, a spectrum of treatment options emerges. For some, mechanical aids like the CPAP & BiPAP machines become invaluable nighttime companions, ensuring each breath is seamless. For others, simple behavioral modifications can usher in profound sleep improvements, from adjusting room temperature to embracing relaxation techniques. Additionally, with medical advancements, a slew of medications have been developed that, when used judiciously, can be transformative in the quest for optimal sleep.

Parkway Sleep Center

A profound understanding of sleep studies can genuinely be transformative. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, ensuring we’re fortified with rejuvenating sleep becomes paramount. Whether one’s interest in sleep health is nascent or on a determined quest for improvement, immersing oneself in sleep studies can catalyze nights of restorative sleep and days brimming with vitality. Contact Parkway Sleep Center at 919-439-3463 to schedule a sleep study assessment today.


What is Insomnia?

Insomnia, a widespread sleep disorder, involves difficulty falling or staying asleep. Chronic insomnia, unlike occasional sleepless nights, significantly impacts daily life and well-being. Stress, anxiety, medical conditions, medications, and poor sleep habits are common causes. Effective management includes consistent sleep routines, comfortable environments, stress management, and good sleep hygiene. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-I) is particularly effective for chronic cases, helping patients regain sleep control and improve their quality of life.

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia, impacting millions globally, often stems from overlooked factors like stress, anxiety, certain medications, caffeine, and irregular sleep schedules. These disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle. Addressing these root causes and establishing calming bedtime routines and sleep-friendly environments can help regain sleep control and enhance well-being.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia’s symptoms extend beyond difficulty falling or staying asleep. They include waking up too early, daytime fatigue, concentration and memory issues, and mood disturbances. Recognizing these signs is essential for identifying and treating insomnia, as it’s more than just sleep deprivation.

Types of Insomnia

Insomnia, affecting many, has several types: acute (short-term, often stress-induced), chronic (lasting three months or more, three nights a week), onset (trouble falling asleep), and maintenance (difficulty staying asleep). Identifying the specific type aids in tailoring treatment for better sleep.

Impact of Insomnia on Daily Life

Insomnia significantly affects daily life, leading to fatigue, mood changes, impaired concentration, and productivity. Chronic insomnia increases risks for heart disease, obesity, and mental health issues. Addressing it is vital for a healthy, balanced lifestyle, involving consistent sleep routines and relaxation techniques.

Improving Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is critical to combating insomnia. Good hygiene includes a regular sleep schedule, relaxing bedtime routines, and a calm, dark, and quiet sleep environment. Such habits promote healthy sleep patterns and can significantly improve sleep quality.

Lifestyle Changes for Insomnia

Lifestyle adjustments can effectively combat insomnia. Consistent sleep schedules, relaxing routines before bed, avoiding stimulants, and regular exercise can improve sleep quality. Understanding and implementing these changes can help control insomnia and ensure restful nights.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia addresses sleep difficulties by changing thoughts and behaviors. It offers lasting results, unlike medication, through techniques like sleep restriction, stimulus control, and relaxation training. CBT empowers individuals to overcome insomnia holistically without relying on medication.

Medications and Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Several options, including medications and natural remedies, are available for insomnia. While prescription drugs can be effective, they carry side effects and dependence risks. Natural remedies like melatonin, herbal teas, and relaxation techniques offer safer alternatives. Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for tailored treatment.

Seeking Professional Help for Chronic Insomnia

For chronic insomnia, professional assistance is crucial. Chronic cases can severely impact health and require specialized treatment through therapy, medication, or both. A sleep specialist can personalize a treatment plan, helping to overcome chronic insomnia and improve sleep quality.

If you found this article helpful and have sleep concerns, please click below to schedule an appointment.

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How can poor sleep impact our health and well-being?

Sleep is not merely a luxury but a fundamental necessity for overall health and well-being. The significance of sleep on our physical and mental health is immense. As we sleep, our bodies and brains undergo crucial processes that enable us to function optimally during the day. Our immune system fortifies, repairing and rejuvenating our body’s cells during sleep. Sleep also plays a critical role in hormone regulation, memory enhancement, cognitive function, and weight management. A lack of quality sleep is in a variety of health issues, including an increased risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Therefore, prioritizing quality sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Though it may seem passive, the Role of Sleep in Health plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Our bodies repair and regenerate cells, strengthen the immune system, and consolidate memories during sleep. A lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health, leading to an increased risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, insufficient sleep can impair cognitive function, mood, and productivity. Therefore, prioritizing quality sleep is vital for maintaining optimal health and ensuring a higher quality of life.

The Advantages of Quality Sleep Quality sleep is not just about feeling refreshed and energized the next day; it has numerous benefits for our overall health and well-being. Our bodies undergo essential processes during sleep that help repair and restore our cells, boost our immune system, and regulate our hormone levels. Furthermore, quality sleep is vital for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and emotional well-being. A lack of sleep, on the other hand, can lead to a wide range of health issues, including an increased risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, prioritizing quality sleep is a luxury and a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.

The Impact of Sleep Disorders Common sleep disorders can significantly impact our health and overall well-being. From insomnia to sleep apnea, these issues can disrupt our sleep patterns and leave us feeling tired and irritable. Insufficient sleep is associated with a variety of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, it can impair our cognitive function, making it difficult to concentrate and perform daily tasks. Understanding common sleep disorders and their effects is crucial for improving our sleep quality and ultimately enhancing our overall health and well-being.

The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health Sleep deprivation can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. When we are sleep deprived, our brains struggle to process and regulate emotions properly, leading to increased irritability, mood swings, and difficulties in managing stress. Additionally, sleep deprivation can impair cognitive function, affecting our ability to concentrate, make decisions, and solve problems effectively. Sleep deprivation can also lead to an increased risk of developing mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, prioritizing quality sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal mental health and promoting overall well-being.

Strategies for Enhancing Sleep Quality Achieving quality sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, yet many of us struggle to get the rest we need. Fortunately, several strategies can help improve sleep quality. One crucial technique is establishing a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed, and waking up at the same time every day.

If you found this article helpful and have sleep concerns please click below to schedule an appointment.

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Sleep apnea, a widely encountered sleep anomaly, affects your overall health. Grasping the indications and symptoms linked to this disorder paves the path toward early diagnosis and prompt treatment. In this thorough review, we shall navigate the diverse manifestations of sleep apnea and the significance of identifying these indicators.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is when someone’s airway is obstructed while they’re asleep. People who suffer from this disorder might exhibit loud snoring interspersed with moments of silence, struggle for breath, and display labored or superficial breathing. These respiratory challenges significantly compromise the quality of your slumber and overall health.

Signs of Sleep Apnea

A distinguishing trait of sleep apnea is daytime lethargy, regardless of a whole night’s sleep. It might be difficult to remain awake during activities that demand little movement, and a persistent sensation of fatigue might dominate the day. This enduring fatigue affects your efficiency, focus, and overall life quality.

Sleep Apnea Signs After Waking Up

Waking up with recurrent morning migraines or a dry and sore throat may signal sleep apnea. The intermittent cessation of breath during sleep can cause a drop in oxygen levels, resulting in morning migraines. Sleep apnea can also lead to mouth breathing, culminating in oral dryness and throat discomfort.

How Sleep Apnea Influences Focus and Behavior

Sleep apnea can cast a significant shadow on cognitive capacities and emotional states. Affected individuals may grapple with problems relating to focus, remembering things, and overall cognitive efficacy. Furthermore, disrupted sleep patterns can give rise to irritability, mood fluctuations, and even symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Sleep Apnea and Associated Health Concerns

Sleep apnea encompasses more than just respiratory and sleep disturbances, potentially contributing to other health complications. Nocturia, characterized by a frequent need to urinate at night, often goes hand in hand with sleep apnea. Restive sleep, nocturnal perspiration, and motor-related problems such as periodic limb movement disorder may also be noticed. Sleep apnea can adversely impact sexual function and desire, leading to issues in intimacy and relationship strains.

The Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can wreak havoc on your overall health and well-being if left unaddressed. Respiratory difficulties and sleep disruption can translate into chronic fatigue, cognitive function decline, and mood instability. It is, therefore, imperative to acknowledge the signs and symptoms to deal with this disorder effectively.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

The initial step in tackling sleep apnea involves the recognition of signs and symptoms. If you or someone close to you experiences respiratory challenges, daytime lethargy, morning migraines, or other related symptoms, it becomes crucial to seek medical guidance. Medical professionals can carry out assessments, including sleep studies, to confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea.

Several treatment options are available based on the severity and personal needs. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most common treatment. For more severe cases, surgical interventions may be an option. Addressing sleep apnea can enhance your sleep quality, rejuvenate energy levels, and diminish the risk of related health complications.

Sleep apnea encompasses respiratory difficulties, sleep disruption, and loud snoring. Daytime lethargy, morning migraines, and oral dryness are typical symptoms. Cognitive deficits, mood instabilities, nocturia, restless sleep, and sexual dysfunction can also be linked. Acknowledging the signs and symptoms is crucial for early diagnosis and proper treatment. Treatment modalities include CPAP therapy, oral devices, lifestyle alterations, and in extreme cases, surgery.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea marks the first stride towards improved sleep and overall health. Awareness of these symptoms, from respiratory difficulties and sleep disruption to daytime lethargy, morning migraines, and more, can pave the way for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Don’t hesitate, seek medical guidance, and regain control of your slumber and life.

Parkway Sleep Center

Are you experiencing the signs and symptoms listed in this article? Parkway Sleep Center can help. Our team can evaluate your sleep and develop a treatment plan that will have you getting a restful night’s sleep quickly. Contact us at 919-439-3463 and schedule an appointment today.


Sleep apnea, a common yet frequently unaddressed sleep disorder in youth and adolescents, can profoundly affect health and daily life. This blog delves deep into pediatric sleep apnea, the symptoms, risk contributors, diagnoses, treatment modalities, and the repercussions on cognition and conduct.

Nighttime and Daytime Indications of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea manifests distinct clinical characteristics in youngsters and adolescents. A hallmark of this condition is recurrent nocturnal arousal, frequently accompanied by breathlessness or snores. Sleep disruptions of this nature may lead to diurnal lethargy, irrespective of extended sleep duration. However, tiredness is not the sole concern. The condition may lead to learning impediments and behavior issues.

Root Factors and Their Consequences

An array of elements can make children susceptible to sleep apnea. These encompass genetic predisposition to the disorder, childhood body fat, and health disorders such as Down Syndrome and neuromuscular anomalies. Allergens may also contribute to developing sleep apnea. It’s important to recognize and intervene to circumvent the onset of sleep apnea.

How to Get a Diagnosis

The diagnosis of sleep apnea requires a gamut of procedures intended to form a comprehensive understanding of the child’s well-being. An exhaustive physical inspection and anamnesis form the pillars of this process. Polysomnography, or sleep study, gauges diverse bodily functions during sleep, including cerebral operations, ocular movements, cardiac rhythm, and blood pressure. Further assessments such as oximetry, lateral neck radiography, and upper respiratory tract evaluation might also be deployed to substantiate the diagnosis.

Pediatric Sleep Apnea Treatment

The therapeutic approach to sleep apnea is individualized, considering the child’s age, overall health status, and the severity of the condition. Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy, a prevalent treatment modality, employs an apparatus that propels pressurized air via a mask to maintain open airways. Dental appliances, lifestyle alterations, pharmaceuticals, or surgical interventions may be deemed appropriate for effective condition management in specific scenarios.

How Sleep Apnea Affects Children

Sleep apnea can significantly affect a child’s academic performance and behavior. Disturbed sleep may undermine concentration abilities, culminating in declining academic performance. The condition may also exacerbate ADHD manifestations and provoke mood fluctuations, irritability, and social introversion, underscoring the need for robust support mechanisms at educational institutions and at home.
Sleep apnea in youth and adolescents is an urgent matter that calls for vigilance. By elucidating its symptoms, acknowledging the risk factors, and advocating for early diagnosis and efficacious treatment, we can mitigate its impact on the affected child’s cognitive function and behavior, thereby enhancing their life quality.

Key Points:

  • Sleep apnea in youth and adolescents has distinctive symptoms, such as recurrent nocturnal arousal, diurnal lethargy, and conduct irregularities.
  • Many risk elements, spanning genetic and environmental factors, can make children susceptible to sleep apnea.
  • Diagnostic methodologies like physical inspections, sleep studies, and anamnesis are pivotal in diagnosing sleep apnea.
  • An assortment of treatment options exists, extending from PAP therapy to surgical interventions, contingent on the severity of the condition.
  • Sleep apnea can significantly influence a child’s cognitive function and behavior, underscoring the urgency for timely intervention and robust support mechanisms.

FAQs about Sleep Apnea

Q: Could you define sleep apnea?
A: Sleep apnea is a common but often disregarded sleep disorder in children and adolescents. This condition results in repeated cessation of breathing during sleep, creating numerous sleep disruptions, leading to chronic daytime lethargy, and potentially impinging upon learning and behavioral health.

Q: What signs might indicate sleep apnea in children?
A: Frequent disturbances during nighttime sleep, often accompanied by gasping or choking, persistent daytime drowsiness, snoring, and noticeable breathing pauses during sleep, signify this disorder. Further symptoms may encompass nocturnal enuresis and learning impediments.

Q: How do healthcare professionals diagnose sleep apnea in children?
A: Diagnosing sleep apnea incorporates several methods, including a comprehensive physical evaluation and a diagnostic sleep study. Additional investigative measures like oximetry and upper airway assessment might also be used.

Q: How might sleep apnea influence a child’s educational performance and behavior?
A: Sleep apnea can significantly disrupt a child’s academic achievements and behavior, intensify ADHD manifestations, and incite mood fluctuations, irritability, and introverted behaviors.

Parkway Sleep Center

Is your child having a difficult time getting a restful night’s sleep? Parkway Sleep Center can help. Our team will thoroughly evaluate your child and recommend a treatment plan. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 and schedule an appointment. See the improvement in your child’s behavior and school performance once they get optimal sleep.


Sleep cycles can often be a mystery. Whether you wake up rested or restless, you can’t help but wonder what goes on after you close your eyes. Luckily, nowadays, many devices can help track your sleep patterns.

Sleep Apnea

CPAP machines are an excellent treatment for sleep apnea and are designed to track your sleep trends, but this only applies to those already diagnosed with sleep apnea. Therefore, undiagnosed people may need to track sleep patterns themselves.

Wrist Devices & Sleep Movement

Fitbits and Apple Watches can help. These devices and their apps aren’t meant to diagnose sleep apnea or other ailments, but they can help you recognize unhealthy patterns in your waking and sleeping hours. These wearable gadgets contain an accelerometer, which is used to detect movement. Fortunately, when you sleep restlessly, it reflects on your device.

Heart & Respiratory Rates

Many wrist-worn devices also have tools to track your heart and respiratory rates, which can help determine spikes in your sleep patterns. Most sleep trackers contain these elements crucial to pinpointing your sleep cycles. It’s important to note how much of your sleeping hours are spent in REM sleep, the deep sleep that allows your body to repair and replenish itself. Losing hours of this particular cycle can contribute to fatigue and many other health concerns, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or depression.

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch must track your sleep for at least four hours per night. You can use the watch with a personalized sleep schedule that you’ve created or with the watch’s Sleep Focus setting. After compiling your sleep data, these devices and apps can construct a tailored chart of your trends. For example, the app rates your sleep a score between 1 to 100, with 100 meaning you slept wonderfully and 1 meaning you should probably head back to bed. With these charts, you can study your routines and consult your doctor regarding anything concerning you.


The Fitbit features are very similar to the Apple Watch. While Fitbits are less pricey, they offer much of the same data. Not to mention their batteries are known to last longer. Regardless of your device, utilize these features to see the bigger picture regarding your sleep habits.

Parkway Sleep Health Center

Is your device indicating you might have a sleep disorder or are looking for a treatment for sleep apnea? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. After a complete evaluation, our team can recommend a treatment plan that will have you sleeping soundly through the night in no time. Contact us today at 919-439-3463.


It’s estimated that currently, there are 30.8 million Americans who smoke tobacco, and over 16 million of them suffer from a smoking-related disease. In addition, studies have shown that smoking directly impacts Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients. The worst part is that people who smoke don’t realize how their habit relates to their sleeping issues, and often quitting smoking is not one of their goals. For all of these concerns, this article will review how smoking impacts snoring, OSA, and other sleeping disorders.

The Relation Between Smoking and Snoring

There’s a close relationship between smoking and snoring. People who smoke frequently are much more prone to snoring. Smoking impacts your sleep and snoring in several ways. First, it can lead to inflammation of tissues in the upper airway, restricting airflow and generating more mucus that coats the inflammation. The narrowed airways, congestion, and post-nasal drip can cause a vibration known as snoring.

Studies show a direct connection between sleep apnea and snoring, emphasizing that the risk of snoring is two times more for smokers than non-smokers. Below, we will discuss the relationship between smoking and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

The Relation Between Smoking and OSA

Those with untreated OSA frequently suffer from related issues such as a compromised immune system, brain fog, tiredness, sadness, difficulty multitasking, and being more emotional. Prolonged periods of low-quality sleep can even lead to more severe conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hormonal irregularities
  • Obesity
  • Mental health disorders

Smoking can lead to even more severe symptoms and more frequent breathing issues throughout the night if a patient is diagnosed with OSA too. In addition, sleep interruptions and nicotine withdrawal symptoms harshly impact sleep quality for smokers with OSA. Consequently, these patients must seek treatment for their OSA.

Tips to Use CPAP Machine for Smokers

If you insist on smoking and suffer from OSA, there are some tips to help you efficiently use your CPAP machine for sleep apnea:

  • Opt for hypoallergenic filters, as they can catch even the smallest debris.
  • Cleanse your machine thoroughly and more frequently to get rid of smoke chemicals.
  • Use full-face masks as they help you breathe through your mouth and nose interchangeably without sacrificing the efficiency of your CPAP.
  • Use appropriate nasal strips as they enhance your experience with your mask and prevent inflammation and congestion by opening nasal passageways.

The best solution to avoid sleeping disorders caused by smoking and snoring is to quit smoking. However, even reducing consumption can benefit those who suffer from OSA and use a CPAP machine.

To quit smoking, you can find a family member or a medical provider to support you, be patient with yourself, and have plans for saying no to smoking when you crave it.

Parkway Sleep Health Center

Are you a smoker with OSA? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. After a thorough evaluation, we can recommend a treatment plan to improve your sleep including a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. Get a good night’s sleep by contacting us at 919-439-3463 and setting up an appointment today.


Sleep apnea is a severe condition, and treatment is developed specifically for your needs. Some methods are more involved than others. Using the treatment for sleep apnea that provides the best results is essential to one’s health. This article will discuss some of the treatment options out there and when they are used.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Machines

One standard sleep apnea treatment is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP machines allow many suffering from apnea to achieve the sleep typically denied. It is not the only method; however, Automatic Positive Airway Pressure, or APAP, is another potential treatment for sleep apnea. Knowing the best option will help ensure proper treatment and comfort when using such a machine.

The Difference Between CPAP vs. APAP

The main difference between the two machines is that CPAP maintains a fixed pressure level while APAP adjusts to different levels. In addition, CPAP machines provide continuous airflow, while APAP does not. We sell masks, tubes, filters, and more for both CPAP and APAP on our CPAP store.

The Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to both machines. CPAPs tend to be cheaper and are regarded as the most effective treatment for sleep apnea in most cases. In addition, most users prefer consistent airflow. On the downside, CPAPs are more challenging to adjust when changing breathing patterns exist, but constant airflow can make exhaling tricky.

APAPs are easier to adapt to in most cases, are much friendlier for sufferers of nasal congestion due to allergies, and are an excellent choice for people who move around a lot in their sleep. As for cons, they are more expensive than CPAP machines and are not recommended for people with pulmonary conditions. In addition, air pressure changes have been known to wake users from time to time.

Both machines have their advantages and disadvantages. CPAPs are more commonly available, affordable, and proven as an effective treatment for sleep apnea in most cases. They are not easy to adjust, though, and can take some getting used to at night. On the other hand, APAPs are usually more expensive, but they are more adjustable and offer better mobility at night. They are also easier to get used to, but the pressure changes might annoy some users.

In either case, a careful and thorough discussion with a medical expert will help ensure the best possible treatment for sleep apnea on a case-by-case basis and the best way to obtain a good night’s sleep once again.

Parkway Sleep Health Center

Are you getting a good night’s sleep? Are you waking up tired and lethargic? Parkway Sleep Health Center can help. Our professionals work with the client to develop a treatment for sleep apnea that works for the client and obtains the best results. Be sure to visit our CPAP shop for all your CPAP and APAP equipment needs. Contact us today at 919-439-3463 to schedule an appointment.

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Parkway SleepHealth Centers exists to help people build healthier lives by providing compassionate, exceptional care for their sleep health needs.

Serving Cary, plus cities and towns from the surrounding area, including: Raleigh NC, Apex NC, Durham NC, Holly Springs NC, Garner NC, Morrisville NC, Chapel Hill NC, Hillsborough NC, Carrboro NC, Pittsboro NC, Clayton NC, Fuquay Varina NC, Wake Forest NC, Greensboro NC, Charlotte NC

Parkway Sleep Health Centers, Sleep Center, Cary, NC

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