Sleep Self-Evaluation

Sleep Self-Evaluation



You appear to be at risk for a sleeping disorder. It is recommended that you contact a sleep specialist to discuss your situation and seek a diagnosis. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

You may be at risk for a sleeping disorder. It is recommended that you contact a sleep specialist to discuss your situation and seek a diagnosis. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

#1. Have you ever been told you snore?

#2. Are you often tired during the day?

#3. Do you know if you stop breathing or has anyone witnessed you stop breathing while you are asleep?

#4. Do you have high blood pressure or are you on medication to control high blood pressure?

#5. When you try to relax in the evening or sleep at night, do you ever have unpleasant, restless feelings in your legs that can be relieved by walking or movement?

Parkway Sleep Health Centers, Sleep Center, Cary, NC

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